Beginner Rugby 101: What To Wear To Winter Practices

15 November 2017
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According to ESPN, rugby is a sport that is gaining in popularity across the United States. In fact, participation in rugby by high school athletes has increased 10 times since one decade ago. Youth rugby leagues provide a way for children to learn the sport while playing touch or flag rugby without involving the contact that begins in high school. Adult leagues are also available for older participants to enjoy the sport. Read More 

Four “Diaper Bag” Features For Busy, Yet Fashionable Moms

4 October 2017
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If you're a busy mom, you probably don't go too far without your diaper bag. As such, it's important to have a diaper bag that not only makes your like convenient, but also looks great. Many handbag companies have begun to make designed diaper bags that look more like big purses than canvas totes. One of these might be the right choice for you, and there are a few features you should look for in a good one. Read More 

Have A Hard Time Finding A Tie That Fits Well? Consider Having One Custom Made

15 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Finding a tie that fits well when you are tall can be very difficult. If you have tried to find a tie that is long enough to wear you to no avail, consider having one made. Having a custom tie made ensures that you can have a polished look when you go into business meetings. The following guide walks you through a few things to take into consideration when having the custom tie created. Read More 

What To Wear For The Cross-Country Phase Of Your First Event

30 August 2017
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Few Equestrian sports offer as much of a thrill as eventing. The cross-country phase, especially, offers such an adrenaline rush as you gallop through fields and over fences. If you've registered for your first event, chances are you already know what to wear for the dressage and stadium phases (ordinary dressage and stadium attire will do!). But since this will be the first time you ever compete for cross-country, you'll want to do a run-down of your wardrobe to ensure it's appropriate. Read More 

New To Family Caregiving? 3 Strategies For Keeping Your Loved One Comfortable With Incontinence Care

15 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Incontinence issues often accompany the aging process, and it is also common in younger adults and children who struggle with issues such as nerve damage or paralysis. As a caregiver, helping your loved one prevent accidents and clean up quickly when one occurs is one of your biggest responsibilities for keeping them comfortable. As you work on your caregiving plan, consider these tips for handling incontinence in a way that protects your loved one's dignity. Read More